Q: What do you call free labor for one of the most noted and award-winning theaters in Chicago?
The mission:
Northlight Theatre aspires to promote change of perspective and encourage compassion by exploring the depth of our humanity across a bold spectrum of theatrical experiences, reflecting our community to the world and the world to our community.
Most people in the theatre world wear many hats: there is a wide gamut of little odds n' ends jobs that may be asked of you as well as tasks presented on a much larger scale. Some interns tackle computer work AND schedule meetings while others work on patron subscriptions AND rehearsals AND concessions. Catch my drift? Dig what I'm saying? I knew that you could. I'll be doing ANYTHING and EVERYTHING all at once. Challenge accepted.
Joining the Northlight team is a blessing in itself. Naturally, I had to publicize it to the (Facebook) world and share my wonderful news once I confirmed the position. I could not, however, predict the number of overwhelmingly congratulatory responses, Likes, texts, tweets, etc.
unbelievable. |
Not to mention the recognition granted to a fellow student and myself through the support of our theatre club.
Easily the best club on campus.
Without sounding like a complete sap, I have mixed emotions about starting and closing so many chapters of my college life and watching new ones open up for the people I care about back home. SO MANY TROLLS ARE GOING ABROAD TOO! And may the capslock accentuate such exciting news! I couldn't be happier for my wonderful friends departing for new adventures in Kenya and Ecuador. I bet your friends merely WISH they were as cool as mine. Hannah Joy, Leah, Jake, Jess, Kyle, and Becky, I will continue to pray for you and your time away. I know so many fellow students and friends wish nothing but the best for you and if they're on my brainwave, can't wait to watch and see the amazing things God will do with you in your respective countries.
Speaking of new beginnings, tomorrow starts Day 1 of my internship. I hope the other kids like me and let me sit with them in the cool kids office. Let it not reflect the scene in Mean Girls where I greet everyone with a heartfelt "Jambo" and get the Look of Death in return. May I be rid of all and any nerves and stay mentally prepared to do my best.
That would be so. fetch.
ReplyDeleteI'm from Michigan....
but seriously-that would've been me. the unfriendly black hotties would have none of that.